Tuesday, May 28, 2024


Hi, friends!

Just popping in quick to share with you a card that I made for my sister's birthday.  She loves anything with the beach theme, especially flamingos.  All stamps and dies are from Sunny Studio.  She has three dogs, Ginger, Morgan, and Cami.  So, I thought it would be fun to incorporate them on the card.  They are riding in the VW bus to head to the beach!  My brother actually had a VW bus when he went to college.  Not one that was this colorful, but just the same it brought some good times.  I had lots of fun making this card for my sister!

Not much is happening around here for now.  It's a quiet week, which is great for we will be camping a few days next week and then shortly after that head out for vacation.

I'm still getting used to my new craft room.  It's great to have a place for everything, but I have forgotten where I have stored things, lol!  I still can't find a stamp set that I just used last month.  Oh well, I'm sure it'll turn up some time.  Yesterday, I forgot where I put my embossing powders and I was talking out loud and my hubby said..."Do you need something?"  I told him that I'm just voicing my frustration and hopefully it'll help.  I found the powders shortly after that, lol!

Well, that's all for now my friends!  I hope all is well in your crafty world!  Take care and have a great rest of the week!



  1. That is such a fun card for your sister's birthday with that pink bus loaded with the 3 dogs. I thought they were the 3 little piggies when I first saw this LOL Sometimes organizing is a learning experience in the long run, but I'm glad you found your ep's! LOL Have a great week ahead and a super vacation as well.

  2. Oh my goodness--this is a winner, Maria! How fun that you have your sister's 3 dogs in the beautifully colorful van! And those flamingos are just so cute! Without fail, when I reorganize trying to make things better, I can't find what I'm looking for! I redid my ink pads (have so, so many!) and pulled out every drawer but the right one when I needed my newest pads!

  3. Absolutely adorable. Love that VW as soon as I saw it released! Looks like you’ve got all your sister’s likes covered.

  4. This is such a fun card for your sister! I remember those and how unique they were. She'll like you added her dogs to the card. Enjoy camping and your vacation. That's why I don't reorganize - I can never find things!

  5. What a fun card Maria - reminds me of fun times in my Hippy days lol! Love the happy colours you chose and your sister is sure to love it. I empathise with finding things - I had a new craft room last October and I still can't find where I put things! Now I'm making things 10 times worse by reorganising my stamps into categories - what was I thinking!.
    Hope you are well and you enjoy your trips.,
    Carol x

  6. Stunning card for your sister, fabulous background and fun images. I'm sure she will love it!

  7. A truly joyous birthday card, I'm sure it will bring back memories for her too. Love the bright colours. x
